Alan Johnstone Photography


I grew up on a farm in East Lothian so I have always had a love of wildlife and the landscape. I was out exploring the countryside around me as often as I could and that has not changed in the years since. I still enjoy finding and exploring new places and observing the wildlife they provide a habitat for. I consider myself fortunate to live in East Lothian which is a rich and varied landscape with abundant photographic opportunities. Northumberland, Perthshire and the Scottish Highlands are also favourite places of mine.

My first camera was a tiny wee square thing that my parents got free with a new PC in about 1999/2000. I played around with it for a few weeks and decided photography was definitely for me so I invested in a better camera (a Kodak Z740) and never looked back. I got my first SLR in 2013 and after a steep learning curve I am now seeing an improvement in the quality of the images I am able to produce. I have spent the last few years gaining experience in the areas of photography that most interest me which are landscape, wildlife and macro.

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